Initially, you may find the idea of starting a plant based diet overwhelming. And, that’s exactly why I developed this week by week guide to adopting a plant based diet and a vegan lifestyle. 💚
Full disclosure: there’s a lot of information to absorb and major life changes that come along with adopting a fully vegan lifestyle. But I assure you: it’s beyond worth it in the end! In order to take away some of that overwhelming feeling, I’ve broken it down into a year-long process.
Each week, you’ll find new information to read and gradual steps to take in order to transition to a plant based diet. If you’re still finding it too overwhelming, that’s ok! Take the process at whatever pace works best for you. If you need to spend 2 extra weeks or a month on one step, go for it! Being self aware and knowing your limitations will help you succeed long term.
Plant Based Diet vs. Veganism
If you follow my guide exactly, you will be eating a 100% plant based diet by week 32.
In addition to starting a plant based diet, adopting a vegan lifestyle is also included in this guide. Beyond the food, this includes the more ethical aspect: defined simply as veganism.
If you choose to embrace veganism, this journey begins at week 32. You will be overhauling your personal care items, household products, clothing, and all other purchases and lifestyle choices.
Again, take as much time as you need at each step.
Be gracious to yourself. Acknowledge that intentionally or unintentionally, you will mess up. Occasional failure is normal. There is not one perfect vegan; myself included. Pick yourself up and try better next time. Don’t be discouraged and don’t give up. I believe in you!

Getting Started
To start, I recommend reading:
- What Does a Plant Based Diet Mean
- this helps explain my definition of plant based and vegan (terms which I use interchangeably)
- includes foods to avoid and foods included in a plant based diet
- defines whole food plant based (WFPB)
- Starting a Plant Based Diet for Beginners
- a brief overview of everything you will be doing in the next 52 weeks
- 34 Reasons to Start a Plant Based Diet
- discusses health, environmental, ethical, and other general reasons to start a vegan diet
And, remember in your daily routine to included:
- exercise
- drinking plenty of water
- adequate sleep
- vitamins and supplements as prescribed by your doctor
- time for you
Now, let’s get you started on your journey! 🥰
Week 1
- Do your research and educate yourself.
- Watch TED Talks
- Listen to podcasts
- Read books
- Watch documentaries
- Decide why you’re going plant based or vegan. Maybe your reasons are health, environmental, sustainability, or ethical. The more information you have, the more likely you are to stick to it.
- Find an accountability partner. Luckily for me, my husband agreed to do this with me. If you don’t have anyone, I’m here! 🙋♀️
- Eat one fully vegan meal this week.
Week 2
- Consult with your physician and registered dietitian.
- Address all health concerns, special needs or restrictions, and what supplements you will need to take.
- Get baseline blood work done. And, with your doctor, make a plan for regular blood work and follow up appointments to monitor your health and progress.
- Also, take this week to educate yourself on a balanced plant based diet. Focus on all the foods you can eat, not the restrictions.
- Eat two fully vegan meals this week.
Week 3
- Try a new plant milk. (start with oat, almond, or soy)
- Eat one fully vegan breakfast, lunch, and dinner this week.

Week 4
- Make a plan and get organized.
- Make a vision board.
- Research plant based recipes and cooking techniques.
- Check out cookbooks from the library and scour Pinterest.
- Meal plan for next week and make a grocery list. (Make meal planning each week a habit–it really does help! And, it keeps grocery costs within budget and food waste at a minimum.)
- Know the common foods to avoid. Learn how to read food labels and common non-vegan additives to watch out for.
- Eat plant based one full day this week. (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks)
Week 5
- Research plant based sources of essential nutrients:
- Try one new vegetable this week.
- Continue eating plant based one full day this week.
Week 6
- Watch vegan cooking technique videos on YouTube.
- Swap white bread, rice, tortillas, etc. for whole grain options.
- Eat plant based 2 full days this week.
Week 7
- Find a plant based version of your favorite meal and make it this week.
- Try a new vegetable this week.
- Continue eating plant based 2 full days this week.
Week 8
- Become familiar with exclusively plant based food brands.
- Use tofu in a plant based dish.
- Continue eating plant based 2 full days this week.

Week 9
- Expand recipe options and vegan meals to cook at home.
- Veganize your favorite meat dish.
- Try a new fruit this week.
- Eat plant based 3 full days this week.
Week 10
- Consult and follow up with your doctor or dietitian and get routine blood work done (or as recommended by your doctor).
- Always have go-to meals on hand. (This not only makes your life easier, but eliminates temptation as well).
- Use nutritional yeast in a vegan dish (or sprinkled over pasta, etc.)
- Continue eating plant based 3 full days this week.
Week 11
- Incorporate more whole plant foods and less processed foods into diet.
- Use dates or pure maple syrup for a natural sweetener.
- Continue eating plant based 3 full days this week.
Week 12
- Familiarize yourself with vegan websites and online resources.
- Incorporate more beans and grains into your diet.
- Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
- Use tempeh in a vegan dish.
- Eat plant based 4 full days this week.
Week 13
- Try a new dark leafy green this week (such as kale, swiss chard, collard greens, etc.)
- Try a new plant milk (such as cashew, rice, hemp, etc.)
- Continue eating plant based 4 full days this week.
Week 14
- Make tofu eggs.
- Eliminate honey from diet.
- Continue eating plant based 4 full days this week.

Week 15
- Find a vegan restaurant near you. is a great resource. (If you have limited options, Chipotle is always easy!)
- And, if there are no vegan-centric restaurants near you, know how to order at other restaurants.
- Instead of sauteing vegetables in oil, use water or vegetable stock. (I do this all the time, and it’s far healthier).
- Try a new vegan food this week.
- Continue eating plant based 4 full days this week.
Week 16
- Try a new vegetable this week.
- Decrease portions of meat during those meals you are still eating meat.
- Continue eating plant based 4 full days this week.
Week 17
- Continue to incorporate more beans, grains, and plant protein into your diet.
- make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
- Eat plant based 5 full days this week.
Week 18
- Try a plant based meat substitute (eliminate for WFPB; make a mushroom “meat” dish instead).
- Incorporate nuts into a snack, salad, or vegan recipe.
- Continue eating plant based 5 full days this week.
Week 19
- Eliminate all fish and seafood from diet.
- Try one new vegetable this week.
- Incorporate seeds into a snack, salad, or vegan recipe.
- Continue eating plant based 5 full days this week.
Week 20
- Decrease egg consumption.
- Try one new dark leafy green this week.
- Continue eating plant based 5 full days this week.
Week 21
- Try jackfruit in a vegan dish. (canned is easiest)
- Eat plant based 6 full days this week.
Week 22
- Cook a mushroom “meat” plant based dish.
- Continue eating plant based 6 full days this week.
Week 23
- Try a new vegan food this week.
- Continue eating plant based 6 full days this week.
Week 24
- Follow up with medical professionals as needed.
- Decrease dairy consumption.
- Overhaul your refrigerator and freezer.
- Eliminate all meat products. (You can either finish eating them, give to a neighbor, donate unopened to a food bank, etc.) Try not to throw away, though; respect the fact that an animal gave its life.
- Eliminate all meat from diet.

Week 25
- Make sure you are eating enough fiber, plant protein, beans, and grains.
- Try a vegan yogurt or other plant based dairy substitute.
- Continue with your fitness and exercise routine!
- Start planning a vegan 4th of July BBQ or summer cookout.
Week 26
- Try a vegan cheese substitute (homemade or store bought).
- bear in mind, vegan cheese will never be the same as “normal” cheese; it takes some getting used to, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. (Now, I actually crave my homemade vegan cheeses!)
- Try a protein-packed pasta (i.e. chickpea, lentil, etc). Or, make your own zucchini noodles.
Week 27
- Continue to incorporate more whole plant foods and less processed foods into diet.
- Make a homemade vegan snack.
Week 28
- Incorporate nutritional yeast into more vegan dishes.
- Make a vegan dessert this week.
- Eliminate eggs from diet.
Week 29
- Make a vegan parmesan cheese this week.
Week 30
- Get involved in the vegan community: local and global. Join social media groups, vegan events, etc.
- Make a homemade vegan cheese this week.
Week 31
- Overhaul your pantry. Donate unopened food items containing animal products.
- When possible, buy local and organic produce. Find a local produce farmer.
- Make a WFPB dessert this week. (Try a recipe that uses dates as the sweetener).
Week 32
- Eat the rainbow. And, try to make this a weekly habit.
- Eliminate all dairy from diet. Eat your last meal or snack containing milk, cheese, and all other dairy. Your cravings may be strong, and there’s a reason for that!
- Follow up with your doctor and vegan dietitian.
- Read a new vegan book.

Vegan Lifestyle
- Alright, if you’re adopting a fully vegan lifestyle, you’ll start that in week 32 as well!
- Educate yourself on factory farming, animals for goods, and animal testing.
- Read about my personal favorite vegan products.
Week 33
- Go through makeup, cosmetics, and toiletries. Overhaul gradually or immediately. If products are not vegan and cruelty free, finish the product yourself or give it away. (I donated my unused makeup to a neighbor who is a makeup artist).
- Make a list of what you need to purchase that is vegan and cruelty free.
Week 34
- Start replacing all beauty and personal care products with vegan and cruelty free.
- Try a new vegan beauty item this week.
Week 35
- Go through household cleaning products. Start replacing with vegan and cruelty free items.
Week 36
- If you enjoy sipping an adult beverage, recognize that not all alcohol is vegan friendly.
- Read why not all alcohol is vegan
- Check to see if your favorite beer, wine, or liquor is vegan.
- Make conscious efforts to only purchase vegan alcohol from now on.
Week 37
- Watch another documentary or read a new book to help keep you motivated!
Week 38
- Start cleaning with a vegan product this week.
Week 39
- Do laundry with a vegan product this week.

Week 40
- Start looking at all items around your home. Do you own a cashmere sweater, wool socks, or a down comforter? What are your pillows and blankets made out of? Do you use leather furniture? What are your decorative items made from? (see week 42 for a list of common non-vegan materials).
- Make a list of everything that isn’t vegan, and come up with a plan for donating or gradually phasing out and replacing those items.
Week 41
- Start organizing and preparing for your first major vegan holidays.
Week 42
- Go through your clothing. Donate any non-vegan items.
Vegan friendly materials:
- bamboo
- cotton
- denim
- flannel (if made from cotton and not wool)
- hemp
- linen
- microfiber (fine synthetic yarn)
- nylon
- polyester
- rayon
- spandex
Non-vegan materials include (but not limited to):
- angora (bunny)
- cashmere (goat)
- down (feathers–which are plucked from live animals)
- felt (wool and fur)
- fleece (from sheep or goats)
- fur
- leather (animal hide and skin)
- pashmina (wool)
- satin (if made from silk; vegan if made from nylon or polyester)
- silk (from silkworms)
- suede (a type of leather)
- wool (sheep; side note, this process seems like it should be humane and pain-free, but I assure you, it is anything but.)
Week 43
- Go through your jewelry; recognize these non vegan items:
- bone
- pearls
- shells

Week 44
- Make a list of non-animal exploitation entertainment. Avoid:
- zoos
- aquariums
- circuses
- animal parks
- rodeos
- hunting
- pony rides
- horse drawn carriages
- other animal attractions
- Instead try:
- animal rescues and sanctuaries
- aquatic sanctuaries and sea life rehabilitation centers
- circus without animals
- nature hike and spotting wildlife in their natural habitat
- snorkeling (if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that you can do this!)
- Recommended viewing:
- Blackfish (currently streaming on Netflix)
- Earthlings (watch full documentary here on YouTube)
- The Cove (available to rent or purchase)
- Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story (currently streaming on Amazon Prime)
- An Apology to Elephants (watch on HBO)
- Racing Extinction (available to rent or purchase)
Week 45
- Make more conscious decisions that benefit the environment. Believe it or not, the environment, what we eat, and what we buy all go hand-in-hand. The food choices we make profoundly affect the planet and climate change.
Week 46
- This week, journal or tell at least one person how your life has positively changed on a plant based diet. Have you eliminated prescription medications? Lost weight? Improved a chronic disease? Overall have more energy and feel better? Let someone know! But, don’t judge them or make them feel guilty for their food choices or lifestyle; simply share your positive experience and outcomes.
Week 47
- If you’re an animal person, consider adopting a pet from a local animal shelter. Always avoid shopping at pet stores–they usually come from puppy mills.
Week 48
- Since you’re embracing a more compassionate lifestyle, perform a random act of kindness this week to a perfect stranger.
Week 49
- And, since you’re nearing expert status by this point 😉 , cook a plant based meal or bake a vegan dessert for one of your neighbors or friends. Let them know it’s vegan friendly and contains no meat, dairy, or eggs.

Week 50
- Go on The Vegan Calculator this week and see how much water, trees, and animal lives you’ve saved since going vegan. 🙌
- Continue to follow up with medical professionals routinely as ordered.
Week 51
- Volunteer at an animal rescue or shelter
- By this point:
- your diet is fully plant based.
- all cosmetics, personal care products, and household items are vegan, cruelty free, and not tested on animals.
- all new clothing and household purchases will be vegan and cruelty free from now on.
Yay!! Do a happy dance! 💃
Week 52
- Take a moment to look back on everything you have accomplished this past year! Be proud of yourself!
I’d love to hear where you are on your vegan or plant based journey!
And, be sure to follow A Case for Plant Based on social media, and subscribe to the weekly newsletter for exclusive content. 💚

Truly an amazing journey. I know the time and work you put into this journey! Just seeing a small part of your journal made me realize how much it takes to change your lifestyle. Be encouraged as you continue each day. You look fabulous and love your herbivore shirt!
God Bless!
Thank you! It certainly has been quite a journey–and one that continues every single day. ❤️