The holiday season is fast approaching! Whatever your celebrations look like this year, I’ve got some tips for sticking to a plant based diet over the holidays.
Last year, my husband and I went vegan less than 2 months before Thanksgiving. Talk about stress level to the max! 😩 I was still pretty new to plant based cooking and was far from an expert at that point. Thankfully, both my mom and mother-in-law were accommodating to our new way of eating. Even still, it was very stressful and overwhelming dealing with the holidays as a new vegan.
But this year, after an entire year of being vegan, bring on Thanksgiving and Christmas! I’m still not expert-level, but I feel far more qualified to plan holiday meals!
Avoid the frustration, anxiety, and stress, and read on for lots of tips for sticking to a plant based diet over the holidays.

Host the holidays at your home
If you’re comfortable with plant based cooking and preparing meals for other people, hosting at your home is an easy way to stick to a plant based diet. Prepare familiar foods and dishes, but with a plant based twist.
The easiest way is to search Pinterest for recipes. Next Friday, I’ll be sharing some of those traditional plant based Thanksgiving recipes with you! So stay tuned. 😉
Holidays hosted by others
If other friends and family members will be hosting, offer to bring your own food or several vegan dishes that everyone can enjoy.
Most people are confused by what a plant based diet means, so be clear with your dietary restrictions. If the host is willing to accommodate your diet, help them plan the menu and provide suggestions and plant based options. Assist with food preparation and provide necessary ingredients.
If you don’t feel comfortable asking them to accommodate, eat before you go or tell them you’re on a really strict diet. Offer to bring a dish for everyone to share. But, make sure it will be filling for you in case there aren’t a lot of other options for you to eat.
Hopefully, your loved ones will respect your diet and be willing to adjust the menu. Be polite and be patient. Respect them and they will respect you. ❤️

Meal delivery options
If cooking isn’t your thing, no worries! These companies will ship plant based holiday meals directly to your door:
- The Herbivorous Butcher
- Purple Carrot
- Veestro (all organic)
- Green Chef (not fully vegan, but they do have plant based options)
Also, local vegan restaurants often have Thanksgiving order-ahead menus. I know we have plenty here in the Kansas City area! 🙌
Plan ahead
Whether you’re hosting, going to someone else’s home, or are organizing a virtual holiday gathering, planning ahead is a must.
Plan the whole meal or which dishes you will bring. Make your grocery list and game plan. Most vegan dishes can be prepared ahead of time and warmed up the day of.
And, prepare yourself mentally. Be prepared to answer common questions, such as why you gave up cheese and how you get your protein. Most people mean well and are actually curious. Just make sure you don’t lecture or make them feel badly about their own food choices. Respect, respect, respect. Holiday gatherings are not the time and place for debates and disputes. 💚

Maintain your focus
Stay focused physically. Don’t neglect your fitness routine. Get outside and go for walks. Play with the kiddos. If the weather isn’t cooperating, do your exercises indoors. Read here for some ideas.
Trust me, even when I occasionally overeat on a plant based diet, I no longer have those dreaded “meat sweats” or that awful feeling throughout my body. Having enough energy to be active isn’t a problem! You’ll feel so much better after having a big dinner and then going for a walk afterwards.
Stay focused mentally and remember your goals. Maybe you went plant based to decrease your blood pressure or manage and reverse a certain disease. Or, maybe you went plant based for environmental reasons and to live more sustainably. And maybe you went vegan for the animals.
Whatever your motivation, focus on those reasons when feeling tempted by certain foods or pressured to eat the turkey.

Don’t give in!
It’s inevitable–someone will pressure you to “take one bite” of turkey or give up your diet “just for today.” Sadly, not everyone has understanding and supportive families. You may even be judged or mocked by family and friends. Don’t get defensive and don’t give in.
Again, remember why you’re vegan. Whether it’s health, environmental, or ethical reasons, stick to your convictions. Don’t let anyone make you feel awkward, and don’t give in to their pressure. Stand up for what you believe in, and don’t compromise for anyone. Focusing on your reasons for being vegan will help you with sticking to a plant based diet over the holidays. Not everyone has to agree with you, just ask that they respect you.
In the same way, don’t make others feel guilty for their food choices. If they ask, you can certainly educate them, but lecturing someone is only going to turn them off to the idea of a plant based diet. 🌱
Ultimately, the holidays are for celebrating and being with loved ones. Focus on gratefulness, love, and kindness. At the end of the day, remember the reason for the season. ❤️
Be sure to come back next week for my Thanksgiving plant based recipes and vegan suggestions! 🥧
Also coming soon: vegan Christmas recipes and menu ideas. 🎄

Wow! Such a nice feast of food! So much preparation! Good job!
Your table looks beautiful and the napkin folding is elegant and beautiful!
Blessing! ❤️
Thank you, have a wonderful Christmas! ❤️ 💚