Today, June 26, 2020, is Take Your Dog To Work Day! (Yes, this is actually a thing. 😂 ) And on this Take Your Dog To Work Day, Ellie is excited to be sharing her adventures with you!

Meet Eleanor!
This is Eleanor May, also known as Ellie (and sometimes “hey, don’t eat that!”) She is a 4 year old French Bulldog, full of sass and spunk, who loves to snuggle her humans. Ellie’s other hobbies include playing outside, laying in the sun, taking frequent naps, and eating as many snacks as she can. As my husband and I are convinced Ellie is part goat, often those snacks are not for doggy consumption. 🤷♀️
Eleanor has no less than 82 nicknames, and she answers to all of them–but only if she feels like it. 🙄 She is stubborn yet sweet, and makes us laugh constantly.
Anyone will tell you, Ellie is a bit spoiled. I even had a friend jokingly admit she wanted a life as good as Ellie. 😂 My husband and I frequently ask ourselves what we talked about before we got the dog; we still don’t know. 🤔
If you yourself have a pet who is family, you understand the sheer joy and love they bring to your life. Eleanor is our baby girl, and she has been nothing short of a blessing.
This is Ellie’s day of working with mommy.

My Daily Routine
My alarm is set for 3 a.m., and I’m usually up by 4. Quiet mornings are my favorite; I am able to get tons accomplished before everyone else’s day even begins.
I do a workout (most days, I try!), read my Bible and do my daily devotional, drink a couple of cups of coffee, and then get to my work.
Since I launched this blog just as the pandemic hit, I never really established my set routine. The last few months have been trial and error, trying to figure out exactly what my days look like and what routine works best for me. I’ve never been my own boss before, so I’m trying to navigate a lot of new normals–including the husband also now working from home.

Ellie, the assistant
I’ve already gotten many hours of work done before the pup gets out of bed. She demands her breakfast before she will do any work with me. Fair enough; I demand my coffee.
As I research for upcoming articles, Ellie lays at my feet for moral support. Then, as I’m writing future blog posts, I realize Ellie has abandoned me for her bed. She has too many naps that need to be accomplished and can’t be bothered with my mundane tasks. 🤷♀️

Ellie Helps on Take Your Dog to Work Day
As you can see, my assistant is mostly here for moral support. After morning naps (yes, plural), Ellie goes outside for a play and comes in feeling rejuvenated. Chasing squirrels must be the dog form of caffeine.
In the afternoon, Ellie helps me write, research, plan content, make to-do lists, and network on social media. (Instagram is her favorite.)
Dinner time approaches, so Ellie “helps” me make dinner. By helps, I mean cleans up the floor when I accidentally drop food. In support of her parents’ vegan lifestyle, Ellie is learning to love more and more different kinds of fruit and vegetables. Her favorites include broccoli, green beans, apples, and most recently, lettuce. 😂
Time to Relax!
After a long day of helping mommy (again, I use the term help loosely), it’s time for dinner and cuddles with the humans. Following a couple episodes of t.v., the humans get back to work. Ellie refuses, arguing that she has put in a solid 40 minutes today. 😏
While Princess Eleanor takes yet another nap and then proceeds to play with the loudest squeaky toy I have ever heard in my life, I finish my work for the day and relax a bit myself before going to bed.
All in all, Ellie had a great day going to work with mommy! But I’ve been informed by Her Royal Highness that she does not want to make “helping” a daily habit. Although she wants to remain on payroll. 🤷♀️
How many of you brought your dogs to work with you today? Were they as big of a help as my Ellie girl was? Let me know in the comments below! 🐶

What a precious pup! Her sweet face and those ears!! No offense, but that would give her away if she was hiding from humans! Reminds me of the Tetons!! Nothing like a dog for love, comfort, joy, fun, on and on! We miss our sweet pug and there were so many times during quarantine I longed for another. So, in the mean time, I’ll love on our neighbor dog, Riley, and any other dog that walks by the house. Thanks for the blog! Days like we’re living in need some light humor! Thanks for sharing your sweet Eleanor May with us! And please, don’t overwork her!! 🐶❤️
😂. Ellie definitely provides plenty of humor! Glad she could make you smile today 😍
Love your blogs, but have to say my ears perked up (not as big as Ellie’s) when I heard it was another day devoted to dogs!! Thank you!
I had to suffer through the day with no help from a dog. Although I wished I had one for company and to love. Yes, Ellie has the life, a very good life as it should be. Enjoyed the blog.
Glad you enjoyed the adventures of Eleanor 😊
We enjoyed reading through your and Eleanor’s journey…”a day in the life of Eleanor. ” Thanks for the fun blog. Eleanor is living the dream.
We’re glad you enjoyed reading about Ellie’s fun day 😊 🐶