Every year on my birthday, I like to take time to reflect on the past year. And that time has come as another birthday approaches on Sunday. Birthdays are a great time to reset your mind, redirect your focus, and reflect on all of the blessings in your life. Practice making time for reflection and expressing gratitude. ❤️
In the midst of a global pandemic, this past year has been anything but normal. During these times especially, it’s vital that we focus on the positives and everything we have to be thankful for. Stay optimistic and focus on the good. Love deeply and don’t take anything for granted. Self-reflection and taking time for gratitude and thankfulness are more important now than ever before! 💚

Today I am especially grateful for:
- strengthened faith and deeper relationship with God, over the past year especially
- my husband and our two sweet fur babies
- health
- 2 years of eating a plant based diet and living a vegan lifestyle
- all of you and your support through this platform 🥰
- trials and hardships: which have led to a stronger and more resilient me, a deeper faith in Christ, and stronger friendships and relationships
And finally, an upcoming vacation with my precious little family! ❤️
Mat and I are packing up the pups and taking a little road trip! I am so excited to spend some much needed time with our little family (and actually get out of the house!)
I will still be posting some to social media, but new blog posts won’t be back until September 3. Have a great rest of your summer, and I’ll see you soon!
Much love and gratefulness,

What a beautiful blog! So important during hard times to stay positive and finding gratefulness. Good is good and always on control. God Bless!
Thank you 🥰
I’ve been preaching to myself this year: Not my will, but Yours be done. ❤️