Happy one year birthday to A Case for Plant Based blog! I launched this blog on April 7, 2020, at the beginning of a global pandemic. That alone is a great reason to celebrate the one year blog-iversary!
Some of you have been reading and following along from the very beginning. Others are new to this platform. Some of you agree with the content, others dispute it. Some of you eat a plant based diet or follow a vegan lifestyle; others are curious about this way of life or dabble in plant based cooking.
Wherever you fall into the spectrum, I’m grateful for each and every single one of you! I’m thankful for those of you who eat a plant based diet and maintain the ethical standards of a vegan lifestyle. However, I’m especially proud of those who don’t and desire to learn more.
It gives me great joy when you tell me you’re experimenting more with a plant based diet or are making environmentally-friendly lifestyle changes. I feel like a joyful mama bear that could just burst with pride. 🥰

What I’ve learned in one year blogging
Full disclosure, blogging and social media marketing are some of the most difficult things I’ve ever done! I’m a registered nurse, so I had no prior experience with either. And I threw myself head first into the deep end. 🤷♀️
I have learned so much this past year! And, I have a ton more yet to learn. This “job” requires so much dedication, passion, and perseverance. Thank you for being patient with me and giving me grace as I continue to grow and follow my calling.
My hope for this blog and platform
My goal is to continue to grow this community. I want to spread awareness of the benefits of a plant based diet. I will continue to advocate an ethically vegan lifestyle.
Above all, the hope is to spread kindness, positivity, and the same love that has been bestowed upon me. ❤️

Follow Along!
Join our mailing list! Emails go out once weekly and contain additional information and resources. And, plenty of encouragement and positivity!
Also, follow along on social media and continue to share the articles with your friends.
What are some things you would like to see from the A Case for Plant Based blog and social media accounts? Feel free to comment below or send me an email.
Thank you again for your support as we continue to grow and expand this platform.
💚 Erica
Happiest blog-iversary! Being home during COVID may have helped to launch your blog, time wise. Ive enjoyed the articles and recipes.. You’ve made me more aware of reading labels and researching makeup. Congrats and continued success, Erica.
Thank you! I’m so happy you’re learning lots and finding the information useful. 🥰
Here’s to many more blog birthdays! 🥳
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! What a fete you’ve taken on! Not only the dedication of eating vegan and being environmentally aware; but to take on a blog where most people reading have an opinion and I’m sure at times can be a bit unkind. One thing I’ve learned during this pandemic (I can’t believe I’m saying that in America during the 21st century!) is people are very passionate about their opinion and it’s best to BITE MY LIP and keep it to myself! And that’s really hard to do!!
Continue fighting for all things ethical! I love and admire people like yourself!
God Bless!!
Best Wishes!
Everyone definitely has an opinion, and it’s best to try and let it roll off your back. At the end of the day, it’s not worth letting someone else ruin my day and have a perfect stranger upset me. At the same time, I have my convictions and my beliefs and stick to them no matter what. 💚
BTW beautiful picture of yourself! AND that desk! Wow!! You are a deep researcher!! And not a bad view!
🎉🎂-vegan, of course!