“I am a passionate advocate of eating a plant-based diet and living a vegan lifestyle.” A sentence that usually makes people look at me with skepticism and hesitation.
I’m here to tell you why I personally choose to eat a plant based diet, and I would love to have you along for the journey! Why this is the best option for our health and for our planet. Why I get up each and every day excited about these topics and eager to share what I have learned along the way. I’m here to make a case for plant-based.

So who am I?
My name is Erica Miller, and I have been vegan since October 2019. Still a relative “vegan newbie,” but since converting to a plant based diet, I have immersed myself in studying as much content as I can about the subject. I have watched a multitude of documentaries and read countless books, articles, and medical studies. In short, I’m obsessed!
I grew up in Indiana, and my husband and I are currently living in the Kansas City area. (Huge fan of the Peyton Manning-era Colts, but I have now adapted to my current surroundings and am a full-on Chiefs fan. Hello Super Bowl champs!)

I have lived in several different states–my favorite being Florida, until my husband and I spent 5 amazing years living in Western Australia. We love traveling all over the world and going on new adventures. Our “baby” is a 4 year old sweet but sassy French Bulldog named Ellie.

I graduated from Purdue University (Boiler up!) with my bachelors degree in nursing. I worked as a Registered Nurse for over 10 years, and my new passion is advocating the benefits of a plant-based diet.
Why A Case for Plant-Based?
When I first began studying the health benefits of a plant based diet, I was amazed at the sheer number of positive health outcomes eating a plant based diet can provide. For example, not only can a plant based diet stop the progression of heart disease, it can actually REVERSE it! As a nurse, I was shocked that I had never heard this before!
I could probably count on one hand the number of patients I took care of (both in their home and in a hospital setting) that were living a healthy lifestyle before they came into my care. Nurses spend a ton of time educating our patients. We teach them healthy ways of eating and how to make healthy lifestyle choices. Never once did I educate them on the benefits of a plant based diet. Until now.

I strive to learn as much as I possibly can and share this wealth of information with you. How does food affect our health? What are the benefits of a plant based diet? Does the meat industry actually have a negative effect on the environment? Why is this information not more well-known? What can each of us do to make positive changes? I’m here to answer all of these questions and so much more. I’m here to help you become the healthiest, most positive version of yourself that you can be.
Whether you have been vegan for years, are just starting a plant-based diet, want to cut back on meat consumption, desire to learn more about incorporating healthier foods into your diet, or even if you are skeptical of the plant-based diet movement, this is the place for you 😊
What you can expect each week
I’m not here to preach at you, and I’m not here to make you feel guilty. I am far from perfect, and we all have setbacks. I’m simply here to give you the facts, tell you what I’ve learned, and let you decide for yourself. I’m here as a resource; to share the hacks I’ve discovered that make managing a plant based diet easier. I’m here as a source of encouragement, and hopefully, eventually, a friend!

New blog posts will be going live every Friday at 8 a.m. (central standard time). Some articles will be informative and factual and some will be my opinions; others will contain tips for converting to (or maintaining) a vegan lifestyle. And we will be covering everything in between.
I love to cook, and I will be sharing my helpful tools and tips with you. However, I am in NO WAY a professional chef. Not even close. I always say I’m less like an episode of Top Chef and more like an episode of Nailed It! 😜 My food may not be the most attractive, but it’s (usually!) really good. To me, this is real life!

I will also be posting regularly on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, so be sure to follow along.
Between naps and chasing squirrels outside, Ellie occasionally likes to manage the Instagram account, so be looking for an appearance from her from time to time. Lately she has been protesting her “homeschool” experience 😂
Please subscribe to the mailing list if you would like exclusive content and promotions, or alerts when blog posts go live. I’m always here to answer all of your questions or concerns, and I welcome and encourage all comments and suggestions.
Thank you so much for going on this journey with me! I look forward to what is ahead 🌱