As a nurse, I have educated countless patients about heart healthy diets, diabetic diets, how to lower their cholesterol and salt intake, and a broad range of other diets suited to their particular disease or disorder. Regrettably, I never educated them about the multitude of benefits that come from eating a vegan diet. Until now. This is veganism from a nurse’s perspective.
The nursing profession implements procedures using evidence based practice. We also educate our patients with facts and provide research to back it up. That way you, the patient, can make an informed decision. I personally believe a vegan plant based diet is the healthiest option, but it is up to you to decide for yourself.
If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend you read 24 Health Benefits of Eating A Plant Based Diet. It provides more in depth explanations and study findings that are the backbone of why I promote a plant based diet.

Unlike animal foods (such as meat, dairy, and eggs), whole plant based foods are low in saturated fat and contain no cholesterol. By lowering your cholesterol, you decrease your risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease–the number one killer in America.
Most doctors recommend a cholesterol level below 200 mg/dL. However, studies have found that one out of every four persons who have a heart attack has a blood cholesterol level between 180 and 210 mg/dL. (Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn). Furthermore, more than a third of patients with heart disease showed cholesterol levels between 150 and 200 mg/dL (Framingham Heart Study.)
So while the majority of the medical community recommends total blood cholesterol levels less than 200 mg/dL, most physicians advocating the plant based diet recommend total blood cholesterol levels less than 150 mg/dL.

Whole Food Plant Based Diet
Unfortunately though, eating a vegan diet doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a healthy diet. There are plenty of vegan-friendly junk foods and processed foods available.
In order to get the maximum health benefits from a vegan diet, a mostly whole food plant based (WFPB) diet is best. Essentially, this is eating foods in their most natural state, and staying away from processed “junk food.”
Most people eating a WFPB diet lose weight without even counting calories. Weight loss leads to increased energy. Increased energy means you have more fuel for performing everyday tasks, including exercise. And as we all know, exercising is good for our heart and our entire body (plus it may lead to even more weight loss!)
2,000 calorie diet
Think of it in terms of 2,000 calories of fast food vs. 2,000 calories of whole plant based food:
- McDonalds: a Big Mac, large fry, 4-piece chicken McNuggets, and a large chocolate shake are 2,090 calories.
- Subway: a foot-long spicy Italian sub with cheese, a 6-inch BLT flatbread with cheese, bag of chips, and an oatmeal raisin cookie are 2,010 calories.
- WFPB diet breakfast: 6 inch whole wheat tortilla, ½ cup pinto beans, 4 tablespoons salsa, ¼ cup lettuce, jalapeno, and onion. 1 cup soy milk (fortified with Vitamin D and Calcium), and 1 whole orange.
- Snack: ½ cup hummus with ½ cup baby carrots.
- Lunch: Lentil Soup: 1 cup cooked lentils, 1 cup vegetable broth, ½ cup potatoes, ½ cup parsnip, seasoned with garlic and pepper. 6 whole wheat crackers and 1 medium peach.
- Snack: 2 cups air-popped popcorn seasoned with cumin or cinnamon.
- Dinner: 4 ounces marinated and baked tofu, ½ cup brown rice, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 cup steamed sugar snap peas. 1 cup fresh raspberries and blueberries. 1 cup almond milk (fortified with Vitamin D and Calcium).
- Total intake for the entire day: 2,000 calories.
These are what we call nutrient-dense foods. Whole plant based foods are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, without a lot of saturated fat, sugar, and sodium.

Nurses vegan diet study
In a 2017 experiment, in order to gain knowledge about a plant based diet and experience results firsthand, 19 nurses decided to adopt a vegan diet for 21 days. While this should certainly not be taken as conclusive findings, some of the results after 3 weeks included:
- 74% lowered their cholesterol (6 of them by 45-60 mg/dL)
- 10 of the 19 lost weight (an average of 4.4 pounds per person)
- 8 of the 19 reported feeling satisfied with their health (as opposed to only 1 before the study began)
- 30% reported an increase in energy
- After the conclusion of the study, the nurses reported an increased intake of fruits and vegetables in their diets, while consumption of meat and dairy fell.

American Heart Association
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting intake of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, and red meat. While they still do recommend low fat dairy and lean meats, these two statements are inconsistent. Dairy and meat are full of saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. Additionally, all dairy products are processed foods.
AHA does have a vegetarian and vegan section on their website. It starts out by stating, “Eating a plant based diet every now and then can help lower your cholesterol and improve heart health.” Sorry, but “every now and then” is actually not what studies have shown.
It goes on to state, “Well, it seems that leaving out the meat is good for you.” To me, this statement says, “we know it, but we really don’t want to admit it.” Why might that be? One blatantly obvious reason is listed right there on their website. Egg Land’s Best Farm Fresh eggs are one of their national sponsors and supporters.
Then there’s the “American Heart Association certified” criteria for meat consumption on the Beef Loving Texans website.
Now, if you search for “plant based” on the AHA website, this is the first link in that list. Contrary to the section above, this article very clearly states the benefits of eating less meat or giving it up entirely.
Countless doctors have called out the meat and dairy industry for their influence, not only in non for profit health agencies, but all the way up to government level.

(And no, I am not driving in this picture–parked and getting ready to leave for work.) 😊
American Diabetes Association
The most contradictory website I have ever seen in my life.
Then there’s the American Diabetes Association (ADA) that claims a vegan diet does not reduce the risk of heart disease or lower blood pressure. Again, this is not what scientific studies have shown.
The ADA promotes recipes with meat, dairy, and eggs. Of the hundreds of recipes listed, only 23 are plant based.
Even more confusing, when describing a diabetic diet (without coming out and directly saying it), they encourage eating whole plant based foods.
“The goal is to choose carbs that are nutrient-dense, which means they are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and low in added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats.”
It goes on to list the healthy whole plant based foods, even going so far as to admit there is no fiber in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy.
So why do most of the recipes they promote contain meat and dairy? Bumblebee Seafoods is one of the partners with the ADA. As are multiple pharmaceutical companies: Lilly, Merck, and Pfizer.
There is no money for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies if you improve your diet, improve your health, and can eliminate the need for medications and medical interventions.
“If I put you on a pill, I could see you back every 3 months for the rest of your life. That’s how we make money in medicine. If I put you on a plant-based diet and you get better, I may never see you again.” Dr. James Bennie

American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society (ACS) website recommends reducing processed meats as much as possible and increasing intake of fruits and vegetables.
It states vegetarian diets “may be helpful in lowering cancer risk,” but does not address the benefits of a vegan diet. ACS’s only recommendation in terms of a vegan diet is to “supplement B12, zinc, and iron” and “consume enough calcium.” It makes no mention of the scientific studies linking the benefits of a plant based diet to certain types of cancers.
The “Healthy Diet” section on their website places an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, low in saturated fats, cholesterol, sugar, and salt. “It may include lean meats and eggs.” However, in order to promote a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, meat and dairy intake should be avoided or kept to a minimum.
In an article that specifically addresses prostate cancer, they reference one study which resulted in the slowing of cancer growth in those men who ate a vegan diet and exercised frequently. However, the paragraph concludes with the statement, “The regimen may also be hard for some men to follow.”
Now let’s get to the partners with the ACS. These include, but are not limited to: pharmaceutical companies (Merck, Lilly), medical device companies (Abbott), insurance companies (Allstate, Anthem, United Health), and meat and dairy companies (Tyson, Perdue).
It’s time that we wake up and realize insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, the meat and dairy industry, and the entire healthcare system in this country all benefit financially when we eat a traditional Western diet.

Nursing books
Looking back through all of my old 96-pound books from nursing school, only 2 make mention of vegan diets.
The Medical-Surgical Nursing book (published in 2007–yikes I feel old!), contains one paragraph, focusing on the potential vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, and protein deficiencies that may occur with eating a vegan diet. Studies have shown, however, that with a balanced diet (and some need for supplements), this is often not an issue for healthy vegans.
The Nursing Care of Infants and Children book (also published in 2007), dedicates 4 paragraphs to discussing the different types of vegetarian diets (including a vegan diet). Again, the emphasis is on potential deficiency of iron, protein, and calcium, with no mention of the health benefits. I know plenty of people who are raising healthy, thriving children on a fully vegan diet. That being said, it’s important to consult with a pediatric nutritionist and try to find a pediatrician with a background in plant based nutrition.

It’s imperative to me that I include a section on the ethical reasons to convert to a plant based diet. As nurses, we promote compassion and uphold ethical standards. The meat and dairy industries are anything but compassionate and ethical.
Please do your research. It’s repulsive what we allow to occur in order to put meat on our dinner plates. I believe we should respect and value all life on earth, not just humans.

Educate yourself
Don’t just take my word for it. Educate yourself. Do your research. When converting to a plant based diet, always consult with your physician and a registered dietitian. Get routine blood work done. Eat a healthy, balanced vegan diet–your body, the animals, and the planet will thank you. 🌱
Nurses Week
Nurses Week starts tomorrow with National Nurses Day on May 6. Maybe it’s due to the coronavirus pandemic and everything our frontline heroes are enduring, but I think we all appreciate and respect nurses and all medical professionals a little bit more. They are the true warriors of this world.
I personally know how grueling it is to be a nurse. Add to that a global pandemic wreaking havoc on our healthcare system, and it becomes survival mode on a day to day basis. But I also know how deeply rewarding this job is. We do it because we love people; we desire to help them and comfort them, especially in their most terrifying days. This is the heart of a nurse. ❤️

Again, an excellent read! I will never forget watching Dr Oz years ago as he appeared on Oprah. He took several people from all ages with many different ailments-high BP, cholesterol, weight, diabetes- and put them in a zoo with no meats, dairy, sugar, caffeine. Only healthy eating-legumes, grains, fiber, etc. as a camera team followed their daily activities. The results were astounding! As were their trips to the bathroom! Their energy level was through the roof, their numbers were all down or normal-with no drugs! It had a lasting impact on me. Though I’ve never embraced plant based I have had some foods and they’re very good. I applaud you! And keep up your healthy journey!
Thank you! 🥰 A whole food plant based diet truly is a thing of wonder! (Although the no caffeine would be hard on me!) This way of eating can certainly be life-changing.
Absolutely love the article, the information and my sweet friend who wrote it! Thank you ❤️
Well researched and thoughtful article. Starting to persuade me to think seriously about what I eat and why.
Thank you for your kind words! The food we eat certainly plays a major role in our health and wellbeing. Thanks for reading ❤️
Absolutely love this article, the information and the sweet lady who wrote it! ❤️
Thanks girl! I appreciate it. 🥰
Love this article do you have anything focusing on ethical practices in nursing school? As a nursing student I am running into some moral dilemmas concerning animal dissections in lab, learning about clinical trial testing on animals and the overall intentions of the healthcare system. Anything will help, just having a hard time navigating school while keeping a hold on my moral standards.
Thank you, Shauna! I haven’t yet written an article addressing this. However, I know of a few things that may help you:
–I heard Dr. Neal Barnard on a podcast talking about when he was in medical school. (I believe it was on Awesome Vegans with Elysabeth Alfano). He had many of the same moral dilemmas that you are concerned about. He refused to do the animal dissection, and voiced his concerns with his professor and others at the university. Eventually, after much lobbying on his part, animal dissection is no longer part of the curriculum at this particular school. So be open and honest with your professors and educators. Take it up the chain of command if you have to. More than likely, there are others like yourself who are just afraid to speak up. You never know what movement you may start! 😊
–Laboratory testing on animals is a very difficult subject. There are certainly many things that do not need to be tested on animals (particularly cosmetics) and others that are more controversial. Dr. T. Colin Campbell addresses this issue in his book, The China Study. He himself follows a whole food plant based diet, and is also an advocate for animal rights. However, he argues that without some bit of animal testing, he would not have some of the study findings without that research. That being said, he conducts as little animal testing as possible and has consulted with animal rights colleagues to come up with alternative ways to get the same information without animal testing. We have a long way to go, and we certainly need to figure out alternative testing and experimenting.
–In all honesty, the general intentions of the healthcare system in the United States is despicable. Doctors, hospitals, and drug companies don’t make money when people are healthy and well. Whole (another book by Dr. Campbell) tackles this very subject. Some days are very discouraging to watch patients be put on more and more medications instead of treating the root cause of the problem. As nurses though, we have unique opportunities to work closely with our patients, and education is the most important thing we can do. There is no rule saying you can’t educate your patients on the health benefits of a whole food plant based diet. And truthfully, most patients won’t listen to you. They want a quick fix (medications) and don’t have a desire to change their lifestyle. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you never know–planting that seed of information about a plant based diet may change their lives immediately or they may think about what you said years down the road and make a decision to better their health. Don’t let those discouraging days get you down–when you feel all you’re doing is handing out prescription pills and not fixing the real issues. Research doctors and other medical professionals in your area who have the same beliefs as you do. Align yourself with them, learn from them, and bounce your ideas off of each other. You need advocates in your corner as well.
You are going to make an amazing nurse someday! Hold tight to your ethics, morals, and standards, and don’t compromise for anyone. God bless you! ❤️
Thanks for sharing! I learned about much of the corrupt behaviors of these “health” organizations watching What the Health on Netflix, although these organizations seem more like manipulative marketing platforms for the meat, dairy, and egg, industries. So frustrating! May I ask you something though since I’m pursuing nursing as well? Is it frustrating being a nurse in a medical community that predominantly still considers eating animal products healthy? Is it frustrating that patients are just given drugs and procedures rather than treating the root cause? Are there nursing jobs where you can promote veganism as a solution to the problem? Please let me know. As a nurse, I’d like to actually change lives rather than just stick needles in patients and assist with administering drugs.
It’s infuriating the length that the meat and dairy industries will go to in the spread of misinformation and lies!
And yes, it is frustrating being in the medical field as the vast majority of doctors still encourage meals centered around meat and call it a “health balanced diet.” The meals that are served in hospitals are deplorable. Bacon and eggs after a heart procedure. Chicken and mashed potatoes with butter and sour cream after a health scare. Unfortunately, money in the healthcare field comes from those procedures and drugs, not from treating the root cause. Sadly, there isn’t much incentive for patients to get well. There is so much corruption in healthcare, some days it feels like you’re fighting a losing battle.
When I got into home healthcare, I was able to spend a lot more time with patients individually. In the home setting, there is more time for education, building trust and a rapport between yourself and the patient, and patients tend to be more eager to learn.
Thank you for desiring to educate others about the health benefits of a plant based diet. The world needs more caring nurses like yourself. 💚