September is Self Improvement Month. And after the year we’ve endured, I think we can all use some sort of self improvement! I want us all to focus the rest of this year on bettering our attitude, improving our outlook, living a healthier lifestyle, and becoming the best you you can be! ❤️
First, I’ll share with you my journey and my passion. Then, we’ll talk about different ways we can improve ourselves and even help others during this era of a pandemic.
Self improvement and the plant based diet
As a plant based diet advocate, I truly believe a vegan lifestyle is best for our health, our planet, sustainability, and the wellbeing of animals. The toll traditional Western diets are taking on the environment is astronomical, so any change we make (large or small) helps.
Whether you decide to partake in Meatless Mondays, commit to vegetarian meals several times per week, or adopt a fully vegan diet, it all makes a difference!

My thought process has been gradual. My husband and I started by eating vegetarian meals several times per week. Then, a few months later, we committed to a 100% plant based diet. I initially did it for all of the health benefits.
But as I dove into my research, I discovered the negative effects certain diet choices make on the environment. My husband and I have done quite a few things in our life to live more sustainably, but especially in the last year since going plant based.
As if I weren’t convinced enough at this point, I discovered the horrors of the meat and dairy industry. It is far worse than any documentary or undercover account can ever portray. (Although Earthlings gives you a pretty solid idea.)
I then started transitioning my cosmetics, cleaning products, and all other items to vegan, cruelty free, and sustainable. I have done a massive overhaul of my life in the past year, and I feel like I’m just getting started!

It’s all connected
It’s amazing how everything links together and how connected one thing is to another. I feel better than I ever have before in my life. My body feels healthy, my spiritual life has improved, and mentally I feel relief that I no longer take part (even unknowingly) in harm to animals. I am proud of the steps we have taken to do our part to lessen our strain on the environment. I am proud that my husband and I are making more educated choices every day to live sustainably.
And from all of this, I feel an obligation and a purpose to get this information to everyone. I’m not saying you have to fully agree with me or do everything I have done. (Trust me, there are plenty of people who don’t agree with me; and there are plenty of people out there doing a thousand times better than me!)
I just desire for everyone to live their best life and be healthy: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. That’s why I became a nurse. I never imagined it would bring me here to launching this blog, but I feel it gives me a stronger voice that can go more widespread. 💚

The importance of Self Care
How many of you spend more time taking care of others and neglect yourself? 🙋♀️ Yep, me too.
First of all, self care is not selfish. It’s a necessity.
I would always talk to my patients and their caregivers about taking care of themselves. If we neglect ourselves, we can’t be effective caregivers. And we can’t be our best selves. If we don’t take care of ourselves, and we get sick or rundown, who’s going to be there to care for the people that need you? Stress and exhaustion take a massive toll.
I know, easier said than done. Admittedly, I usually did not practice what I would preach. 😬 Most days I was absolutely drained from taking care of patients and their families all day, only to come home and take care of my own family and my home. So I get it–it’s not always easy. But it’s necessary.
And by the way, it’s ok to say “no” sometimes. You don’t have to be everything for everybody all the time.

Self Care
On your drive home from work or school, turn up the music and sing at the top of your lungs. Listen to that podcast that’s been on your playlist for months. Take deep breaths and decompress. Because more than likely, once you get home, your duties and demands are even greater.
Give yourself 5 minutes to wash your face and do a skin care routine. For me, I always feel better after doing this.
Diffuse essential oils. I find this incredibly relaxing and calming. Peppermint and anything citrus are my favorites.
Get up a little earlier in the morning and do your hair or your makeup or dress up a little nicer than usual. It’s amazing what feeling good about yourself can do for your mood!
Go to bed a little earlier and read a book. (Being on social media doesn’t count!)

Self Improvement
Exercise exercise exercise! A better you is a more physically fit you. Run, hike, get on the treadmill, do yoga, run around the playground with the kiddos. Whatever it is, get that heart rate up and burn some calories. Exercise is also a great stress-reliever and endorphine-producer. Check out my fitness article for some ideas. 💃
Eat well. Cut down on fast food, processed food, and junk food. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The more whole, plant based food in your diet, the better. 🌿
Quit that bad habit. They’re called bad habits for a reason. We all have them, and we all know what we need to stop doing…or start doing. So let’s go! 🤗
Be more positive! Focus on the good and shut out the bad. Make a list of all the blessings in your life and everything you have to be grateful for. It always ends up being more than you realize. 💞
Get enough sleep. A tired you is not the best you. Fatigue takes a toll mentally and physically, making us more susceptible to illness. 😴
Call and Facetime with your friends and family. Now more than ever, we need love and support. We need others to laugh with us and cry with us. ❤️
And please, wear a mask. (And beyond that, wear it appropriately). That is the best thing you can do for yourself and others right now. 😷
Be kind to yourself and show kindness to others.

Care for others: Volunteering and giving back during a pandemic
COVID-19 has made social distancing, wearing masks, and self-quarantine new normals. So how do we help people and take care of others when keeping a safe distance is the new norm?
Donate money or supplies to reputable relief funds, nonprofit organizations, homeless shelters, or hospitals.
With millions out of work, food banks have especially high demands right now. Find out what the current need is in your community, and pick up a few extra items on your next grocery store order to donate.
Get involved with local churches. Churches are constantly giving to missions around the world, natural disaster reliefs, and specific community needs. And during this time, they have increased these efforts greatly. Find out what current programs are in your community and see how you can get involved.
Donate your time
If money is tight like it is for so many others, that’s ok. Giving back doesn’t just have to be in monetary form. Use your talents, your gifts, and your skills.
Maybe you like talking to people and have a calming demeanor. Crisis hotlines need volunteers right now.
Tutor a student virtually.
The elderly are the most at-risk population for coronavirus. Use Eldercare Locator to find volunteer opportunities in your area (such as Meals on Wheels).
Donate blood. Again, demands (and rules and regulations) are going to be specific to your location, so find out what those are beforehand.
Check in on your neighbors to see how they’re doing. Ask if they need anything and what you can do to help. Bake them some cookies, write a little note, and leave the cookies on their front door for a safe, contactless delivery.

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” –Princess Diana
Human connection is a basic need. Whether we need a little or a lot, we all need love, care, kindness, and connection. Be kind to yourself and to others. Show love and care to yourself so that you can give love and care to others as well. Be a blessing and be blessed. ❤️