It’s hard to believe I’m nearing the end of my vegan pregnancy journey. Some days it feels like it’s taken forever to get here; other days it feels like it’s flown by. I am so anxious to meet our sweet baby and get into a new routine as a family.
Vegan Pregnancy Journey
First trimester: Like so many women, I suffered from intense morning sickness and fatigue my entire first trimester. I lived off of mashed potatoes, plain bread and pasta, and ginger ale for weeks. However, I was extremely happy to be dealing with the “awful” symptoms of pregnancy. Every time I felt sick or could barely get out of bed, I was incredibly grateful to just be pregnant. All of those negatives of the first trimester were a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness and that there was a miracle growing inside of me. 🥰
Second trimester: My second trimester was, by far, the best one. I still had some bad days, but for the most part I was feeling less nauseous with fewer headaches and had more energy. Week 14 we found out the gender, which was really exciting. Around week 18, I started feeling baby move, and then it suddenly got a lot more real. ❤️
Third trimester: So much happens in the third trimester! The countdown is on, and there is a ton to accomplish before baby arrives. This is also when I started wearing maternity clothes and using pregnancy-specific products. Never did I think I would get so excited about vegan belly oil and nipple butter! After that, I realized my life would never be the same in the most amazing way. 😍
Physical journey
My body is truly an amazing thing. Everything that it has been put through thus far and how it has adapted is nothing short of a miracle. And yes, I realize the hardest part is yet to come. 🤣
What I’ve learned about veganism
Pregnancy has made me realize more and more how I want to instill the love of all beings into my child. We are planning on raising our child, not only on a strictly plant based diet, but living a vegan lifestyle as well.
I desire for my child to show loving kindness to all human beings and to be respectful of everyone’s differences. I also desire for my child to be gentle with and show concern for all animals. Our children will be taught the value of a vegan lifestyle and why we love all of God’s creatures equally and treat them as such.

The relationship between myself and my husband has grown immensely throughout the journey to parenthood.
I also realize how healing dogs are and what wonderful companions they are.
I’m thankful for the amazing group of all female obstetricians and our wonderful doula that I am working with.
I feel incredibly blessed to have a wonderful support system around me and our baby-to-be. It’s incredibly important to surround yourself with an amazing “team” during this time. And I’m grateful for the team we have supporting us!
Maternity Leave
This will be my last post before my maternity leave starts. I don’t have a set amount of time I’m going to take off; I’m just going to play it by ear and not rush anything. I want to soak up every second with this baby that is already so loved and who we have prayed so hard for. ❤️
I will keep you all updated as much as I can through social media and my stories, so keep an eye out for those.
Ok, y’all–final guesses: boy or girl? 💙💗
Any last minute advice for a first time mama?
Thank you all so much for your support, and I’ll see you again soon! xo
I will miss your posts, and am so glad you’re taking time off to acclimate to your new baby and new routine. Looking forward to being a great auntie to baby Miller. Love you. ❤️
Thank you! We are getting really excited! 🥰
So excited for you! So happy you’re enjoying each stage (though rough at times) and being grateful and thankful for the baby you are carrying!
I love the older generation and their expert guess on the gender. If you’re carrying high or low that was the sex of baby. Too funny. I can still hear my dear great-aunt Dot. “Honey, you’re carrying so high, you must be having a girl!” Haha, by gosh, she was right!!
So, lets see…by the looks of your picture, you aren’t super high or low. My guess will be…girl? Boy?
Patience!!!! Your time is coming soon! Relax. Sit outside and soak up some sun. Breathe in some fresh air. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
As tough as it has been at times, I am truly trying to soak up every precious detail of pregnancy and this time between just baby and me. ❤️
There are so many old wives tales when it comes to pregnancy! As Mat says, “You’ve got a 50-50 chance of being right.” 🤣