Once again, welcome to our how-to series! Where we’ll break down all of the how-to musts for plant based cooking and vegan living. Today, we’ll continue with how to cook with tempeh. 🌱

What is Tempeh
First things first: for those curious, tempeh is pronounced “tem-pay.” 😉
Though less known than tofu, tempeh is a great meat substitute in plant based cooking. Not only is tempeh versatile and hearty, it also has amazing health benefits.
Like tofu, tempeh is also made from soybeans. The beans are cooked and fermented, then packed firmly into a block of tempeh. Sometimes, beans, whole grains, and flavorings may be added as well.
Tempeh is high in protein, fiber, and many different vitamins and minerals. And, because tempeh is fermented, it also contains probiotics.
Tempeh can usually be found in the refrigerated section of grocery stores.
Tempeh into “meat”
Always try to purchase organic tempeh. Soybeans are one of the most genetically modified crops, so purchasing organic ensures no GMOs.
Tempeh has a nutty, rich flavor, and can easily be incorporated into a wide variety of dishes.
Side note: if you notice black, white, or gray spots on a block of tempeh, this is normal. These spots form as part of the natural fermentation process and are safe to eat. However, if the texture is slimy or has a foul odor, throw it away and use a new block of tempeh.

If you find tempeh to be bitter, steaming is a great option. Add the whole block of tempeh to a steamer basket, and steam for 10-15 minutes over medium-high heat. Let cool, pat dry, and prepare as desired. (I personally never do this, but it’s completely up to you.)
Cut tempeh into ¼ to ½ inch thick slices. Marinate for at least 30 minutes. Pan fry, bake, or grill as desired.
Slice tempeh block into 4 triangle shapes. Marinate or season as desired. Grill for approximately 5 minutes per side.
Slice tempeh into strips, squares, or triangle shapes. Season or marinate tempeh as desired. Bake at 390 degrees for approximately 20 minutes until golden brown and crispy.

Dice tempeh, and cook for 12-16 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Air Fryer
Slice and season tempeh as desired. Air fry for 10-15 minutes at 375 degrees, until golden crispy.

Crumbled or Grated
There are a number of ways you can crumble tempeh:
- grate on a box grater
- mince with a knife
- pulse in food processor until desired consistency
- place whole block of tempeh in a pan with 2 cups of vegetable broth; cover and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat and crumble with a wooden spoon.
I crumble tempeh all of these different ways; it just depends what kind of consistency I’m going for.
Like tofu, tempeh absorbs flavors and marinades well. Add to pasta sauce, chili, taco “meat,” curry, soups, breakfast scramble, etc.

Plant Based Tempeh Recipes

For more amazing tempeh recipes, be sure to check out my Pinterest page. What are your favorite tempeh dishes? Or will this be your first time trying tempeh? Let me know in the comments below! And be sure to follow my social media this week for lots of vegan tempeh deliciousness! 😋
Your dishes always look appetizing. Maybe you should become a vegan chef.
Do you find vegan cooking to be more time consuming? Like anything new to us, it takes time and effort. Good job!
God Bless! ❤️
Ha! Thank you, but not quite at vegan chef level! 😂
Vegan cooking is definitely more time consuming since it requires a lot of chopping vegetables and things like that. However, it is easier now in terms of knowing what to cook and how to cook it. I find it very enjoyable! 💚