Eating a plant based diet has many health, environmental, and ethical benefits. And further, there are plenty of additional advantages as well. Here are some of those motivating reasons to start a plant based diet. 🌱
Health reasons to start a plant based diet
1. Eating a plant based diet can prevent and even reverse heart disease.
2. Decreases high blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure. In addition, plants are low in fat and sodium and contain no cholesterol, all of which plays a role in blood pressure regulation.
3. Lowers cholesterol. Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol (meat, dairy, and eggs) raise cholesterol levels. In addition, foods high in saturated fat also trigger the body to produce extra cholesterol. On the contrary, plants are low in saturated fat and contain no cholesterol. And, plants are high in soluble fiber, which also helps to lower cholesterol.
4. Decreased risk for chronic diseases.

5. Decreased risk for certain cancers. (Only about 5-10% of cancers are inherited through genetics). Diet has a strong influence on cancer incidence and progression.
6. Lowers and regulates blood sugar. Studies have found that a whole food plant based diet, with limited intake of processed foods, can prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.
7. A plant based diet can turn our genes off and on. This means that our health is not necessarily predetermined. Each of our cells expresses (turns genes on) only a fraction of its genes. The remaining genes are repressed (turned off). Epigenetics are the non-genetic influences that cause gene expression (the process of turning genes off and on). These include age, environment, and diet. Think of it this way: “genetics load the gun, but environment [and diet] pulls the trigger.”
8. Decreased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Put simply: the claim that we need cow’s milk and dairy to have strong, healthy bones is a lie. In fact, high milk consumption has been found to lead to higher incidences of bone fractures. Additionally, just as important as calcium intake is preventing the loss of calcium. Consuming animal protein actually pulls calcium out of the bones and excretes it through the urine.
9. A whole food plant based diet can help you lose weight. Healthy, whole plant foods are best. Eating a lot of processed and packaged vegan food makes it more difficult to lose weight and is not the healthiest plant based diet option.
10. Improved digestive health. Plant based diets help promote healthy gut bacteria. And due to the increased fiber in the diet, it can help you stay regular and prevent and relieve constipation.
11. A plant based diet is rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, such as protein, calcium, iron, fatty acids, and other vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.
Read more about health benefits of a plant based diet here.

Environmental reasons to start a plant based diet
12. Slows climate change. Food production is responsible for about 30% of total greenhouse gas emissions, with animal agriculture accounting for most of that.
13. Fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Global meat production is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all trains, planes, and cars in the world, combined.
14. Less methane into the atmosphere. Methane produced from livestock is responsible for 39% of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
15. Reduced air pollution. Factory farms produce massive amounts of dust and contaminants that pollute our air.

16. Less water consumption. Per pound, food from plant requires far less water than food from animals.
For example, it takes 1,000 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk. And:
- 1,850 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef
- 667 gallons of water to produce one pound of butter
- 2,052 gallons of water to produce one pound of leather from cows.
In contrast:
- It takes 300 gallons of water to produce one pound of rice
- 34 gallons to produce one pound of potatoes
- 99 gallons to produce one pound of apples
- 26 gallons to produce one pound of tomatoes
17. Decreased deforestation. Production of livestock is one of the leading causes of deforestation. (This includes land to house the animals and land to grow their feed).
18. Cuts down on animals’ loss of habitats and risk for extinction.
19. Protects the oceans. By eating a plant based diet, there is no contribution to fishing bycatch and overfishing, which is depleting the oceans. Also, decreased risk for water pollution and dead zones.
20. More sustainable for earth’s natural resources. Requires less energy for food production. And, produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions. For example, feeding the world’s population in 2050 will require a 70% increase in global food production. Researchers estimate that traditional Western diets need to reduce meat consumption by 90%.
Read more about environmental benefits of a plant based diet here.

Ethical reasons to start a plant based diet
21. Saves animal lives. Every day, approximately 160 million farm animals throughout the world are transported to a slaughterhouse. In developed countries, those who are not vegan or vegetarian will consume approximately 7,000 animals during their lifetime.
22. Eliminates need for factory farms. 99% of farmed animals in the U.S. live on factory farms. In the United States alone, more than 9 billion farm animals from factory farms are slaughtered every year.
23. Decreased animal abuse and neglect. In the same way dogs and cats are not a food source, other animals and livestock deserve lives free from mistreatment, abuse, and neglect.
Baby cows do not deserve to be taken from their mothers at just a few hours old as the mother cries out: desperate to the point that she loses her voice. Inhumane and unethical slaughter practices are not only common, but standard. As is animal abuse in these settings. Beyond food, animals do not deserve to have their feathers plucked as they are bloody and wailing so I can have a down blanket. They do not deserve to have cosmetics and other products tested on them to the point that they go blind and whimper in pain. Animals are not food and they are not testing mechanisms. Animals all have emotions, share connections, and feel physical pain. Every single animal deserves to be loved and cared for. They all deserve kindness, respect, and a life free from abuse and neglect.
24. If everyone went plant based, there would be more grain to feed the poor and starving. (One-third of the world’s grain is used to feed livestock).

General reasons to start a plant based diet
25. Wider variety of food options. Think about it: most people eat the same chicken breasts, ground beef, etc. meals on a regular basis. Since going vegan, I have more options and a greater variety of food choices. I’m more adventurous with my eating, and I have broadened my horizons. I’m eating far healthier options and a wider variety of them.
26. The knowledgable doctors and activists getting the information to the public. They are genuine people, scientifically informed, and passionate about the benefits of a plant based diet. Many have been threatened by the U.S. government. But they persisted, and are changing the world through their scientific research, studies, and expertise in the vegan field. I admire and respect each and every one of them, and am grateful for everything they have gone through in order to make this information available and mainstream.
27. Plant based foods (and multiple options!) are more widely available than ever before. 🙌 Additionally, vegan-specific brands are becoming more and more common.
28. Increasing number of vegan-specific restaurants and plant based options at other restaurants. As more and more people look to adopt a vegan diet or decrease their meat consumption, restaurants are adapting to accommodate. is a wonderful resource.
29. More options when traveling. The plant based diet is spreading rapidly worldwide. An increasing number of countries are offering a lot more plant based options and vegan restaurants are opening in record numbers all around the world. When traveling, a good resource is

30. The sheer number of vegan recipes and recipe creators is astounding. I’m so grateful for each and every one of them! For plant based recipes and vegan cooking inspiration, I recommend searching Pinterest, checking out vegan cookbooks from your local library, and finding some favorite plant based recipe bloggers. Nora Cooks is a great place to start. Her recipes are generally quite simple and absolutely delicious.
31. Taste buds can change. As you begin a plant based diet, you may crave meat, cheese, or other foods you’re used to eating. Like a drug, cheese has an addicting quality. Once your body adjusts to these new foods and tastes, your taste buds will change as well. Taste preferences develop due to factors such as habits, upbringing, culture, and memories. Our brains can actually be retrained to like certain things by eating them more frequently. Taste is influenced by familiarity. And eventually, you’ll learn to love other foods and won’t miss that burger with cheese.
32. Eating a whole food plant based diet (or mostly WFPBD) is cheaper than a traditional Western diet.
33. It is more than a diet; it is a movement. The vegan community is well educated on these pertinent topics and eager to help each other out with anything at any time. Locally and through social media, I have never been involved in a greater community!
34. You will be changed for the better: body, mind, and soul.

Any one of these reasons is a great motivating factor to go plant based. But add any combination of these together, and the argument for adopting a plant based diet gets progressively stronger. 🌱
What are some reasons that convinced you to go plant based (or motivating factors to incorporate more plant based meals into your weekly routine)? Let me know in the comments below! 👇
You are passionate!
You brought tears to my eyes reading about animals. I love animals!! And being a mom I can’t imagine having my baby ripped from me. We buy so many things and don’t realize how it came to be. Though I’m finding more and more with makeup it’s cruelty free. I just hope that’s the case. Thank you for the many hours of research to educate us. God bless!!
The more I learn, the more passionate I am about animal rights and activism. 💗 Thanks for reading!
BTW, where was that baby lamb!!! Precious!
And, I want to be where that hammock is!!!
Bora Bora, perhaps?
Baby lamb was just a few days old on a farm we visited in Western Australia. ❤️
My husband and I were in Malaysia for our friends’ wedding, so I had to soak up all that beauty in the hammock! 😍