Did you know that less than 10% of plastic is recycled? And did you know that the production of plastic has skyrocketed over 2,000% since the 1960s? And did you also know that of the over 300 million tons of plastic produced annually, 50% is single use plastic–and ends up in a landfill? We must cut down on our plastic use before it destroys our oceans and our land.

The truth about plastic
Everything we think we know about recycling is probably wrong.
- In the United States, there is no universal form of recycling; every city and state has their own regulations and procedures.
- The act of recycling is actually a business built on supply and demand. No current demand for glass or plastic? These products may be sent directly to the landfill or incinerator.
- In some areas of the country, the focus isn’t on recycling, but on profits.
- For decades, the U.S. was sending the bulk of recycling items to China to be reprocessed. But, in 2018, China restricted the import of certain recyclables–including most plastic.
- Now, some cities across the country are being forced to choose between paying a much higher price to get rid of recycling or throw it all away. And of course, because it boils down to the almighty dollar, most are choosing to throw everything away.
- A lot of times, it is cheaper for a company to produce new plastic rather than purchasing recycled.
- Unlike metal or glass, plastic degrades each time it is recycled and reprocessed, making it less valuable.
- Thin plastic, such as plastic bags and saran wrap, are very difficult to recycle, and most end up in landfills.

How is plastic harmful to the environment
- The production of plastic is a major user of fossil fuels.
- Plastic that is incinerated instead of being repurposed produces carbon emissions. Even though many incineration facilities claim to be waste to energy plants, studies have found they actually release more harmful chemicals into the air than coal plants.
- More than 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year.
- as marine life consume plastic, toxins build up in their bodies, eventually killing them.
- Plastic bags are not biodegradable. Worldwide, more than 1 million plastic bags are used every minute.
- It is estimated that about 100,000 sea turtles and other marine life die every year from being entangled in or consuming plastic bags.
- The process of producing bottled water requires about 6 times as much water per bottle than is actually in the container.
Single use plastic water bottles
- Most are thrown away and end up in landfills.
- When not disposed of properly, plastic bottles end up in oceans, harming the ecosystem and killing marine life.
- Once plastic enters the ocean, waves and UV rays from sunlight break it down into microparticles. These microparticles never degrade. And now, most marine life’s stomach contents (and even birds), contain plastic.
- Most plastic is made from petroleum and built to last–some for thousands of years.
- Plastic ending up in landfills can leach harmful chemicals into the earth, entering groundwater.
As one person has said: it’s less important that we recycle and more important that we reduce and reuse.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used in some plastic production. BPA is toxic to humans, so many legislations have been passed to ban the use of BPA.
However, BPA is far from the worst of it. Needing a replacement to BPA, companies started using an array of other chemicals–most of which scientists (and the FDA) know nothing about. These chemicals are also having toxic effects on our bodies: many even worse than BPA.
Chemicals added to plastic are absorbed by the human body. A recent study found that people with the highest exposure to BPA have increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. And that’s just BPA. There are hundreds of other chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis that we know nothing about.
Heat exposure causes these chemicals to leach out of the plastic at a higher and more rapid rate. (Such as leaving a plastic water bottle in a hot car, heating a plastic food container in the microwave, and placing plastic dishes in the dishwasher.)
The solution isn’t simply banning the use of BPA. It’s eliminating the use of as much plastic from our everyday lives as possible.

Ways to cut back on plastic use
1. Ask takeout restaurant to not include plastic silverware
2. Don’t use plastic straws or coffee stirrers
3. Reusable water bottles and coffee cups
4. Buy powder packs of gatorade and other drinks instead of buying in plastic bottles
5. Reusable shopping bags, produce bags, and lunch bags. (I keep mine in the car so I always have them with me.)
6. Stop chewing gum
- Gum is made of synthetic rubber (plastic)
7. Buy products in sustainable packaging
- Cardboard, Glass (then recycle!)
- Or make your own cleaning products: vinegar, baking soda, lemon, etc.
8. Buy in bulk
- Saves packaging

9. Reusable containers for storing food and leftovers
10. Make your own condiments and sauces to save on plastic bottles
11. Use foil instead of plastic wrap since foil can be recycled
12. Buy loose leaf tea or tea bags that are not individually wrapped in plastic
13. Use reusable K-cups
14. If using glitter, buy eco friendly biodegradable
- Glitter is microplastic
15. Reduce consumption of frozen processed meals and food (plastic containers and plastic wrap.)
16. Return plastic containers to grocery store or farmers market to be reused
17. Stop using dishwasher and laundry pods. (They may be convenient, but are harmful to the environment. When broken down, the outer casing of the pod is toxic. Additionally, pods come packaged in plastic containers.)
- Instead, choose an eco-friendly, biodegradable brand (such as EcosNext).

18. Reusable pad on mop
19. Be mindful of personal care products. (Facial scrubs and others may contain tiny plastic beads, which then enter the oceans when washed down the sink.)
20. Use a biodegradable toothbrush, such as one made from bamboo.
21. Change water filter less often and only when necessary. (Depending on use, refrigerator filters usually last twice as long as recommended.)
22. When able, use pencils instead of disposable pens
23. Feed pets from glass bowls. (This also cuts down on dog acne.)
24. When traveling, bring your own hair and personal use products

25. Avoid the worst types of plastic (especially #3 and #6 and using caution with #1 and #7)
26. Use bamboo or glass cutting boards, utensils, and other kitchen gadgets
27. Stainless steel sippy cups for kids
28. Cloth pet toys instead of plastic
29. Avoid using balloons (and definitely don’t release them into the air!)
30. Be vocal
- Let companies know how their packaging could be better
- Write them, Tweet, etc.
- Stop buying their products and buy from competitors with sustainable packaging (and let them know!) When companies start losing business and consumers demand change, they will have to adapt.
A Plastic Ocean
Now that you’ve contemplated ways you can cut down on your plastic use, go watch the documentary A Plastic Ocean. (Currently streaming on Netflix). It’s startling, incredibly moving, and life-changing.
And while you’re on Netflix, for a brief history of plastic through today, History 101 (episode Plastics) is quite informative.
After that, I recommend also reading this article by the NRDC.
We can change, and we can make a difference. But we must do it now. Every single one of us, doing our part: to save the planet, save the oceans, and save ourselves. 💚

Maddening what the manufacturer has done to us!! Years ago my dad told us about the adverse effects of plastic. He would now be in his 80’s. And was way ahead of his time. You should look into making laundry soap. A girl we know makes it for pennies and only a few ingredients. She sells it to her church people. Ran into her years ago in Middlebury and should have inquired about it. Susanne Somers is a huge proponent of organic skin care and eating. Look her up. She has some wonderful books out. She has done her research and also teams up with doctors on her research.
Another great blog! Thank you for your time!!
I’m so WAY BEHIND in my reading!
It’s amazing to me how many people, several generations ago, were so far ahead of their time. We need more like them now!